Women’s College Centex

This tournament has a special place in Michelle’s heart because it played such a huge role in her decision to attend Texas for grad school.  Who knew that Melee’s special dance for the Pie Queens in 2005 would spark such a love affair?  Michelle was a participant in Centex for four years from 2005-2008, taking on some organizing responsibilities in 2008 as a captain of Melee.  The following year was a messy one for college ultimate, and Melee made the decision to run Centex separately from the men, and without the help of an outside organization.  Michelle was asked to help and the tournament quickly became her passion.

For Melee, and for Michelle, Women’s College Centex is more than a fundraising opportunity or another tournament in the spring season.  It is a celebration of all of the best parts of women’s ultimate.  We strive to bring together the best competition in the country, as well as find ways to build the college ultimate community.  The Friday night mixer, and Saturday night BBQ and dance-off have become integral parts of the college women’s season, and we’re constantly finding ways to innovate and push this tournament to the next level.  For the past two years, we’ve held a youth clinic and last year, we added a Captains and Coaches Clinic.  This year, Without Limits has been invited to the table and the new Melee leadership has already thrown out a number of awesome ideas.

We’re in the process of booking fields and getting some basic logistics set up.  The bid window for Division III is open and we expect to send out invites for Divisions I and II in early December.

You can reach the TDs at collegecentex (at) gmail dot com or feel free to check out the tournament website at: http://centex.texasultimate.org